Sister Wives

Good News! Janelle Bown found his life partner again! kody Brown is trapped

Sister Wives season 18 star Janelle Brown’s single – will she be alone forever? While Christine Brown married David Woolley and seems ecstatic, Janelle may find that being on her own is easier than navigating the ups and downs of a relationship. It’s been a long time since Janelle was a part of the dating scene. Before Kody, she was briefly with Adam Barber. So much has changed in the world since she was initially single. There are good reasons why Janelle might decide that staying single is better for her. However, another scenario is that she will try to find a partner and fail.

During Sister Wives season 18, Janelle hung onto hope because she loved him. However, the fact that he couldn’t meet her halfway emotionally was their death knell. Janelle missed the romance of the early days, when they’d go on camping trips as a duo. Kody broke Janelle’s heart over and over again, using a cruel technique known as “death by a thousand cuts.” Instead of just leaving her forever, as would have been humane, he kept dragging out the torture. Of course, she let him. For years, Janelle knew the truth, even if she wouldn’t accept it. Kody didn’t really love her. The red flags were as bright as neon signs.

Why Couldn’t Kody Brown Love Janelle?

Kody Brown Loved Someone Else

When Kody started courting his fourth wife, it was the end of the plural marriage, but it took years before everyone could accept it. Each person involved had their own reasons for staying in the polygamous situation. Kody wanted to be a patriarch. That was his bread and butter. Without that status, who was he? Under the umbrella of “uber-patriarch,” there was money, fame, and opportunity. Without that umbrella overhead, hard rain might fall. It’s not difficult to understand why Kody stayed in the plural marriage – the reasons why Janelle stayed are harder to decipher.

Love was probably the main reason why, but it wasn’t the only reason. Janelle was very attracted to Kody and may still be. She admitted that she loved him. So, she probably held out hope that things could get better. That kind of hope is quite common in romantic situations, and it often leads to heartbreak. No one could compete with Robyn, and all of that was evident onscreen. Kody put his brunette wife on a pedestal – he’d never done that with Meri, Christine and Janelle.

He fell in love with Robyn for real, and probably wasn’t expecting to be hit that hard by Cupid’s arrow.

Kody’s love brought the family down. He will do anything for Robyn, even if he’s hard to live with sometimes. He’s fully committed – Robyn is everything to him. In another situation, this kind of devotion would be extremely impressive. That’s what love should be. However, the fact that Kody’s a polygamist is the reason why he gets criticism rather than acclaim.

Because he loved Robyn and couldn’t or wouldn’t hide it, he began to change. He lost interest in his other spouses. He began to push them away and some of that might have been subconscious. His psyche was pushing him to get rid of everyone but Robyn because, ultimately, he’s a one-man woman.

When people are in love, they’re not always in their right mind. They can be cruel to others without really meaning to be. For example, someone who falls in love with a person might freeze out other love interests in a way that seems almost sociopathic. It’s because the person who’s in love is just consumed with what they are feeling.

So, Kody seemed like a creep. He seemed cold and unfeeling. All of his emotions were for Robyn. For the other wives, this was such a miserable situation. Janelle became his “buddy” and that’s not so romantic. She was “the sounding board.” Instead of passion, she got a “bromance” type of dynamic. Naturally, since Kody believes she wants his body, that wasn’t enough for her. However, they had kids, Janelle was tied to him financially, and there was the whole fame thing. Basically, there was a lot to lose.

With that in mind, imagine how bad things had to get before Janelle decided she’d had enough. With so much on the line, she walked away. That’s because the fact that her husband was in love with another woman was just too much to take. All the anger that Janelle’s feeling now, over money and more, is really just a cover for something more painful which is harder to face. Janelle is in her feelings because Kody doesn’t love her back. It’s really that simple. The rest is just noise.

No One Can Replace Kody Brown

Janelle Brown Probably Won’t Get Over Him

Janelle’s currently 54 years old. In a sense, now that she’s free, she has her whole life ahead of her. However, she’s lived a lot of life already. After a decades-long spiritual union, she may feel like she’s done the whole relationship thing, and getting over Kody could be very hard. Instead of trying again with someone else, she might live in the past. She will probably spend a lot of time thinking about what went wrong in her relationship. She may long for the good old days or feel bitter about how things ended.

Kody was her husband. Yes, she shared him with other women, but they all believed that God approved of that arrangement. Kody was supposed to love Janelle forever. By falling in love with reality TV show star Robyn, Kody made what was probably already a challenging family dynamic unbearable. While Janelle suffered, it’s actually Kody who probably went through the most. He was the one who had to halfheartedly fake his feelings for other wives and even sleep with them. That might have made him feel dirty.

He had to sleep with women he wasn’t attracted to and didn’t love, when the woman he really loved was at another home close by. Robyn was waiting for him. What a nightmare for everyone. It’s no wonder he eventually stopped sleeping with Janelle, Meri and Christine. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Kody, when in love, is extremely faithful and romantic. He thinks the woman he loves is perfect. When he’s not in love, Kody is every woman’s worst nightmare. Janelle learned that the hard way, and the Sister Wives season 18 star may prefer to lick her wounds, rather than trying again with someone else.

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